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Arthritis – Vedic Yagya Treatment

Ingredients of Vedic Havan Samagri to cure Arthritis Disease   Ingredients of Common hawan samagri


Ayurvedic Product to Get rid of Schizophrenia

Symptoms of Mental Illness (Schizophrenia)

Feeling sad or down
Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate
Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt
Extreme mood changes of highs and lows
Withdrawal from friends and activities
Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping
Detachment from reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations
Inability to cope with daily problems or stress
Trouble understanding and relating to situations and to people
Problems with alcohol or drug use
Major changes in eating habits
Sex drive changes
Excessive anger, hostility or violence
Suicidal thinking


Ayurvedic Remedy cure Sciatica

Ayurvedic Remedy cure Sciatica – Ingredients Ingredients of Common Havan Samagri


Ayurvedic Remedy for Diarrhea

It is not a fatal disease and inflict people of all age groups alike. However, it is not regarded as a major disease but  still it costs lakhs of lives every year. Mainly loose motion and diarrhea are caused either due to bacterias or viruses. As in today’s fast-paced life, allopathy seems to be the only viable option to cure both major and minor illnesses, people continue popping up pills without realizing that there is a side effect attached to every allopathic medicine that means over-dependency on allopathic medicines step up our chances to acquire a bigger disease.

The best way to avoid contracting this disease is to keep our surroundings neat and clean and the most potent way to do this is to perform regular hawans that will not allow the germs to germinate. If somebody has already contracted the disease, he/she can also improve with the help of medicines prepared by the Ayurveda experts at ApnaKarma.

We have listed the ingredients (Hawan Samagri) below which are used to perform hawan that aims at eliminating the bacterias and viruses of Loose Motion and Diarrhea.


Ayurvedic remedy for Stress


Low energy
Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea
Aches, pains, and tense muscles
Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
Frequent colds and infections
Loss of sexual desire and/or ability


Ayurvedic remedy for weight loss


Increased sweating.
Inability to cope with sudden physical activity.
Feeling very tired every day.
Back and joint pains.
Low confidence and self esteem.
Feeling isolated.


Ayurvedic remedy of Amavata

Ayurvedic remedy of Amavata – Ingredients of vedic havan samagri to cure Amavata Disease Ingredients of Common vedic havan samagri


Home Remedy for Gout Arthritis

Ingredients of Home Remedy for Gout Arthritis   Ingredients of Common hawan samagri

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Home Treatment of Depression – Vedic Havan Samagri


Hopeless outlook

Lost interest

Increased fatigue and sleep problems


Irritability in men

Changes in appetite and weight

Uncontrollable emotions

Looking at death


Leucoderma Home Remedy

Leucoderma is the gradual loss of skin pigment, called melanin, from layers of the skin. White patches occur all over the body including genitals, face and scalp. It is also commonly known as Vitiligo. There are many factors that lead to the development of Leucoderma that include:

• Chronic gastric problems
• Improper Liver functions
• Excessive stress or worry
• Worms/parasites in the digestive system
• Consumption of opposite food items ( e.g. milk and fish together)
• Burns and Injuries
• Hereditary

Even after taking exorbitant allopathic medicines, most of the patients do not report improvement. Hawan recommended in the Ayurveda provides noticeable improvement in very short span of time.


Natural Remedy for Diabetes


Ingredients of Vedic Havan Samagri to cure Diabetes (Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetes) Ingredients of Common hawan samagri


Thalassemia Ayurvedic Treatment (Remedy)

Blood disorders can put your life on hold so it is imperative to diagnose the illness and seek necessary treatment at the earliest. The onset of a blood disorder may present itself with numerous symptoms that include:

• Swelling of the joints
• Internal bleeding
• Easy bruising
• Bloody urine
• Bloody stools
• Prolonged bleeding after cuts
• Tightness of the joints
• Surgical procedures
• Spontaneous nose bleeds
• Tooth removal

However, most of us flock to the doctors when we experience any of the symptoms mentioned above who,in turns, put us on medications. Here, it is noteworthy that even after popping up so many pills and getting so many tests done no doctor can guarantee that the disease will be cured permanently or within a specified time-frame but Ayurveda promises permanent cure, however not so expeditiously. Now when, the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines have stood the test of time and people across the world are accepting it open-heartedly, it’s time to try out another important Ayurvedic treatment called ‘Hawan’.

Ayurveda recommends ‘hawan’ to treat any kind of blood disorders. A specific set of ingredients that is used to perform havan for person inflicted with Blood Disorders is called Hawan Samagri. Please refer the list of ingredients below which are used to perform Havan.


Vedic Ayurvedic products for sharpen mind


Lacking in intelligence – stupid

(Psychology) mentally defective

Lacking decision – Irresolute