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2018 Marriage & Children Horoscope Report


Marriage is one of the most joyful event in one’s life and heaven descends on earth if you get the right partner. So if you are planning to tie the knot in 2018, we can precisely predict on the chances, if your marriage is going to materialize or not. If yes, you can approach us for matching making and we can also determine the best Muhurtham for the month through the year for you and the bride to be.

After analysing your horoscope, if our experts come across any astrological hunch owing to which your chances to get married in 2018 are curbed, they can suggest you Yaga, Havan, Puja or even matra recitation. After performing the suggested remedies, all good marriage proposals will start coming your way and you will get into wedlock. According to vedic astrology, getting married in right muhurat paves the way to lead a peaceful and prosperous married life. Likewise, matchmaking sheds light on the compatibility of the marriage. We have noticed many couples after wrestling with their married life for years finally separate as they got into wedlock without matchmaking.

Is 2018, a good year to plan for a kid ? What are the possible hurdles on your way to become a parent in 2018? Questions to all your queries related to your parenthood is hidden in your horoscope – your horoscope reveals everything. And with vedic remedies, it is absolutely possible to root out all the impediments so that you can step into parenthood with confidence.

In essence, whether you are planning for a marriage or kid in 2018, it is prudent to seek advice of veteran astrologers at Apna Karma for a blissful conjugal life and parenthood.


2018 Wealth & Finance Report


Nothing can be more exciting than amassing abundant wealth, isn’t it ? If your answer is along the lines of “Hell Yeah”, immediately consult seasoned astrologers at Apna Karma, they will help you overcome all the barriers that could possibly prevent you making money in 2018. Your stars can reveal whether a windfall gain is on the card or you will incur financial losses this year. Is it worth starting a new venture or you should avoid taking risks in the business.

Experts at Apna Karma do not surmise but precisely foretell your future on the basis of your horoscope. So if you are keen to know about your financial health in 2018, we can help you. Evil planets sitting on different houses of your horoscope, actually mar your chances to make financial progress, consequently, however, you put best efforts, they do not yield fruitful results. But with the help of vedic remedies, it is possible to subdue the malefic effects of planets so upon scoping your horoscope, our astrologers may suggest, Yagna, Havan or Puja to appease specific planet’s wrath. So whatever the year 2018 has in store for you, we can help you make the most out of the year. Gaining the favor of planets can help you notch up success and advance financially. On the contrary if a planet has turned inimical to you, despite your best efforts, you can do wonders in any field – astrology enthusiasts now this fact and turn to astrology to win the favour of planets.


2019 Career and Business Horoscope Report


Will you be able to take your career or business to new heights or setbacks are in store for you in the year 2018? If you are vying to start a new venture, will 2018 be a right year for that? What are hunches you are going to face in your business this year?  Will your competitors be able to gain competitive mileage over you? How will you do in your studies this year?  These are some common questions that must be vexing you and it is vitally important to get right guidance and get all your doubts elucidated to make the most out of the year.

Besides hard work, right strategies and plans, it is important that you get divine help, without which it is not possible to get the desired result. If you win the favor of planets, your little efforts will bear fruit. On the contrary, malefic effects of planets leave no stone unturned to eventually bugger up what you do. You would now certainly be willing to know, if planets will shower their blessings upon you or you will be under the grasp of their deleterious effects this year. The answer to all your questions lie in your horoscope and after analyzing it properly malefic effects of planets can easily be mitigated and things will eventually pan out in your favor.

Career and Business Horoscope Report for year 2018 will detail about all the challenges as well as successes destined for you this year. Having prior access to these information, you actually know when to take a step back and when to step up your efforts.

xperts at Apna Karma after analyzing your horoscope may suggest you some remedies that are intended to wipe out all the adversities that you may encounter this year. We are miles away from superstition, coherent and organic approach is evidently reflected through our work and we are always eager to answer all your queries. Once you have the career and business report for the year 2018 in your hand, you know the key areas where you have to smarten up yourself and things that you have to avoid at all cost.

As a consequence of our good or bad karmas of past, we lead a prosperous, peaceful life or remain surrounded with problems. We receive the fruits of our good or bad actions of past through planets, we are benefited if the planets shower their blessings or lose if they turn inimical to us , it’s in their hards whether we will suffer or gain. If we please them, their favors can be won or they continue to punish us.

Our experts after scoping your horoscope, suggest remedies in the form of Yagas, Havans and Pujas that will help you tide over all the challenges in 2018.


2019 Education Report


The most important reason why education has become indispensable for anybody is that it endows you with requisite knowledge to tell apart right from wrong. Education arms you with skills necessary to combat the multifarious problems of life. It is one of those pertinent factors that shape the entire course of one’s life. A well-educated person do not fear sailing through the problems and difficulties of life and benefit society in scores of ways. It is a fallacious notion that education can be confined to the years of school and college, but it pertains to the life ahead. It is true that through education we garner specialized skills to earn bread and butter, but the role of education is not to turn you into a money making machine rather it intends to infuse a slew of qualities in you like creativity, ability to learn lifelong etc.

Whatever queries you might have related to your education, divine wisdom of astrology can prove to be of much help. Astute astrologers at Apna Karma will answer all the questions that buzz around one’s mind like if one can get through various competitive examination or not, whether one will study further, what stream one should chose in order to succeed, or what steam one should choose in order to excel etc.

Lack of interest in studies, poor concentration are among the few factors that are vexing many students as well as their parents, reasons of which can not be solely attributed to modern and fast-paced lifestyle. Put differently, veteran astrologers at Apna Karma are committed to get you out of any difficulty that you are facing on account of your education and help excel academically.


2019 Gemstones & Remedies Report


As the year 2018 has already commenced, you might have started noticing good or bad things happening with you. If you are gladdened to notice the right things coming your way or disheartened as luck is not favoring you from the beginning of the year – we can beef up your good fortune and eliminate or alleviate the intensity of problems your are facing.  In either case prolific astrologers at Apna Karma can help you make out the most of the year.

Gemstones and Vedic Remedies, if recommended and performed correctly can prevent even an untoward incident from happening  in your life or at least can mitigate the problems so that it pass by without perturbing you. If you put on a wrong gemstone, you are inviting problem for yourself, sometimes very severe. Many people who are wearing either fake or wrong set of gemstones lose faith land in trouble and loose faith in astrology. On the flip side, wearing gemstones recommended by an expert astrologer always bears fruit and fills your life with happiness and prosperity. So what are you waiting for, book your appointment with one of our astrologer and avert any problem year 2018 has in store for you.


2019 Health Horoscope Report


Whatever your plans may be, they will never meet a success, if you do not have a sound health and robust physique which is why to keep our health in good condition is our first duty and unavoidable obligation. However, we do not not tend to play lose and fast with our health but can not say with certainty that we won’t fall sick in the future. You as well as your near and dear ones can land in a trouble if you catch any major illness. To avoid financial setbacks, of course, you can get your health insured but if you somehow know in advance that in which particular month of the year you are prone to fall sick, you can deploy remedial measures so that both your health as well as your plans could sustain minimal damage.

The best way to avert all these awful situations is to get your Health Horoscope Report for the year 2018 generated by experts at Apna Karma. The report will talk about all the possible health-related issues you may be inflicted with in 2018 and suggest vedic remedies to subdue the malefic effects of planets. It is due to the malefic effects of the planets siting in different houses of your horoscope, you fall sick and incur all types of losses.

We really don’t waive a magic wand to get all health-related matters sorted out in your favour but the process starts with generating your horoscope and canvassing it throughly to understand what the year 2018 has in store for you in terms of health. It is due to the malefic effects of evil planets, we feel jerks in our lives. And there is no reason why you can not have a sigh of relief if you pacify the evil planets – this is what we do at Apna Karma. If you are suffering the wrath of some evil planet, experts at Apna Karma will suggest remedies to calm them down. After performing the suggested remedies, chances are that you will not encounter any health-related issues throughout the year. Even if, you catch some minor health illness, it won’t cause you much trouble. Consult our astrologers and get detailed health horoscope report to know and get the better of all the possible health-related problems in the year 2018.


2019 Lal Kitab Horoscope Report


The remedies suggested by Lal Kitab is simple to comprehend and easy to execute, perhaps this is the reason why Lal Kitab has gained immense popularity and prominence in its short age of existence. Its followers and believers exist in large numbers and have spread all over the globe. Unlike conventional astrology when the exact date of birth, place of birth and time of birth are required to prepare a horoscope, Lal Kitab Horoscope can be drawn on the basis of lines of the palm.

Wouldn’t you be astonished if an astrologer suggests you throw a coin in the river and all your life problems will  vanish? If yes, Lal Kitab remedies are meant incisively for you. All of us at some point in our life succumb to our disappointments and give up. Even if, we consult a vedic astrologer, he/she suggests remedies which are hard to perform primarily due to the paucity of time.

Apna Karma houses a panel of expert astrologers who can help you get rid of all the problems that the year 2018 has in store for you. The suggested remedies do not entail tiresome rites and rituals so you can perform them with ease and they start yielding results really fast. Lal Kitab remedies have benefited people of all faiths and people across the globe have now cottoned on to the fact that it is not a dime a dozen concept.

We do not wriggle out of our responsibility and go to great lengths to make sure you face minimal problems and achieve your life goal.


2019 Love Horoscope Report


Will you be hit by cupids arrow in 2018 or stay bachelor ? If you are already in a relationship, will your relationship see a new high or deteriorate? Love is a complex thing and it is unwise to keep matters related to love in the heart. Get all your queries related to your love life in 2019  answered by expert astrologers at Apna Karma. Simply put, we will tell you what course your love-meter is going to take in the year 2018. If an old relationship is going to be revived this year or somebody else is going to find a place in your heart or you are destined for a heart-wrenching breakup – our astrologers will unveil your love life in 2018.

As 2019 has already commenced, get in touch with any of our counselor and book your appointment with our astrologer – we are committed to bring back happiness, prosperity and revive your love life.


2019 Personalized Horoscope


The new year has brought with itself fresh views, concerns and hopes. Casting aside all the worries, failures and disappointments of previous year , you will certainly now be willing to zero in and take on the challenges of year 2018. Whether you are a businessman, student, housewife or advocate, you would be busy analyzing what could be the possible gains and losses in 2018.

If you know what year 2018 has in offing for you, you could map out things which earlier you would not have done due to lack of your knowledge pertaining to your future in 2018. Your personalized horoscope will help you look and plan ahead as you have prior knowledge of benefic and not-so-benefic times approaching to you.

Many successful people attribute their successes to their ability to take right decisions at right time. They are blessed to have the glimpse of the future and opportunities that future is going to get them so they just prepare themselves to derive maximum benefits from the future. But most of us do not have an insight to decode future which is why our wisdom lies in consulting a vedic astrologer who could give us a a tour of the future.

Apt astrologers after canvassing your horoscope suggest you areas where you have to smarten up so that you could confidently face the challenges of 2018. With right astrological advice,  problems can be averted so you need not to be wary of new year, all you have to do is to seek advice of our experts and if they suggest any remedies, perform them correctly. Do not mourn the future, just plan it correctly.


2019 Transit Report


With the onset of the new year, we start chewing over possible gains or losses the year has in store for us. What are the milestones, we are going to achieve this year ? What are the challenges we are going to encounter. All such notions buzz around our mind and we seek to find the answers.

Different transits through the year greatly affects an individual and changes the course of his/her life. Based on transits, an astrologer can easily predict how the future is going to unfold for an individual in the areas such as career, finance, marriage, love, and health etc.

Once you have 2018 Transit Report in your hand, you can figure out ways to make the best out of the year and also understand how to stamp out or mitigate the malefic effects of planets that can hamper your path to success, progress, happiness and prosperity. Transit report will serve as a roadmap to achieve your goals in 2018. Transit report is an important aspect of astrology and an astrologist knows how important it is to predict the future of an individual. It has helped many people take corrective actions in advance and better their future. Whatever the report reveals, you need not to hit the panic button as prolific astrologers at Apna Krama leave no stone unturned to root out or lessen the malefic effects of the planets.


2019 Trikal Samhita: Personalized Forecast


Do you want to know how year 2018 is going to unfold for you? Apna Karma brings to you 2018 Trikal Samhita, the personalized forecast to make your 2018 successful and happier. If you long for a chance to succeed, Apna Karma present you with an opportunity to attain prosperity and success in 2018.

It is not similar to general horoscopes,birth charts and performing the remedies of Trikal Samhita, success and affluence will gravitate towards you. It will give you prior knowledge of the events and incidents that are going to happen in your life and make them bring good fate for you. This Samhita provides detailed forecast pertaining to your future in below-mentioned areas.

  • Business
  • Career
  • Job
  • Education
  • Health
  • Family
  • Marriage
  • Love life

This report will also talk about formation of various kinds of Raj Yogas in your horoscope and their effects on your life.


Ask a Question


Astrology chart is a best way to get yourself helped by keeping your future predictability high. An inquisitive mind will never stop asking questions. It is through questions we arrive at the answers or solutions that in turn hasten our progress. Without getting your questions answered by Astrology chart, you can not march ahead to your journey to success. Are you worried on account of anything in particular? Are you holding back in life due to some unknown fear?

Whatever be your questions, fears or doubts, feel free to contact us. We house a panel of experts who will help you get rid of all your difficulties.

Ask today about your Career, Business, Relations, Love, Money, Success, Vastu, and any worry that is converting to anxiety can be visible and cured by our famous astrologers. 

We at Apna Karma, have subject matter experts for giving astrology services. Means, we don’t have general astrologers for all kind of problems but we have subject specialists for giving you quality predictions of specific issues and matters with full proof accuracy. It is similar to medical practitioners as astrologers are also helping people to get them recovered, like wise the same we have problem specific astrologers to predict and treat problems with specific line of treatment.

We are ready in all time to get you connected with our famous astrologers to cure your anxiety about future and in present can get you helped in providing relief to the problems that you have and facing road blocks of life. 

We can not change the Season, but we can change our self! If we work on our Job we can make our living, but if we work on ourself then we can make our fortune!


Ask About Baby Birth


Birth of a child gives immense and unfathomable pleasure to parents and rest of the family members. After marriage, every parent wants to be blessed with a child, in fact, the birth of the child marks the completeness of marriage in Indian society. But unfortunately some of us have been deprived of this beautiful gift. We all know it’s all about biological phenomenon. But biological phenomenon is just a part of a larger phenomenon which is governed by celestial bodies.


Ask Business Expert


Everybody wants to make a killing in the business but a handful of them are able to make a mark in this competitive world. A fledgling businessman, sometimes, is seen to climb the ladder of success too early and without facing much difficulties. On the other hand,  experienced businessmen having years of experience make fatal mistakes and face the music. Why is it that with little or no efforts your competitors fare well than you in the business? Is it the timely information that help them outperform you or simply luck plays its role? An avalanche of questions start buzzing around our mind when we do not find any logic behind why it is happening that is actually happening.

We house a panel of astrologers who are committed to answer all your business-related queries.    If i launch a product or service now, will it meet with a success? What would be the most profitable business for me ? When is the right time to launch a business ? Whatever be your questions, you will receive the best piece of advice at Apna Karma. Your horoscope reveals everything and actually it all depends upon the favor or wrath of planets that if you will be successful in your endeavor or not. If the malefic effects of planets are mitigated and benefic effects stepped up, absolutely there is no reason why you can not succeed in any venture.

In spite of putting your best efforts, if your business is not alive and kicking, seek the advice of our apt astrologers and they will get you out of this dreadful situation in no time. So if you wish to join the league of successful businessmen who started their business with meagre amount of money and climbed the ladder of success, consult our astrologers and be assured that they will wipe out all your business-related vows.

Alongwith hard labour, a pinch of luck is also vitally important to succeed in business. Many a times, people gets perplexed as to if they are running out of luck or they do what they do wrongly. Answer to all these question lies in your horoscope. Consult our astrologer and luck will smile at you once again.


Ask Education Astrologer


The most important reason why education has become indispensable for anybody is that it endows you with requisite knowledge to tell apart right from wrong. Education arms you with skills necessary to combat the multifarious problems of life. It is one of those pertinent factors that shape the entire course of one’s life. A well-educated person do not fear sailing through the problems and difficulties of life and benefit society in scores of ways. It is a fallacious notion that education can be confined to the years of school and college, but it pertains to the life ahead. It is true that through education we garner specialized skills to earn bread and butter, but the role of education is not to turn you into a money making machine rather it intends to infuse a slew of qualities in you like creativity, ability to learn lifelong etc.

Whatever queries you might have related to your education, divine wisdom of astrology can prove to be of much help. Astute astrologers at Apna Karma will answer all the questions that buzz around one’s mind like if one can get through various competitive examination or not, whether one will study further, what stream one should chose in order to succeed, or what steam one should choose in order to excel etc.

Lack of interest in studies, poor concentration are among the few factors that are vexing many students as well as their parents, reasons of which can not be solely attributed to modern and fast-paced lifestyle. Put differently, veteran astrologers at Apna Karma are committed to get you out of any difficulty that you are facing on account of your education and help excel academically.


Ask Family Astrologer


Our life revolves around our family irrespective of we are rich or poor, cop or criminal, educated or illiterate. We constantly see to it that none of their requirements remain unfulfilled even if it means we face a lot of unpleasant situations. Blessed are those who have happy family life and it won’t be an exaggeration to say that there life is a boon on this earth.

Our ‘Ask Family Astrologer’ service is centered upon getting you a predictive idea about your domestic life and relationship with family members. In an endeavor to bring the benefits of astrology to you, Apna Karma has started this service that will give you a detailed narrative and answer every question popping in your mind related to

  • Personal life
  • Familial clashes
  • Parents health
  • Children’s education

When our family lives begin to shake, we are thrown into a hapless situation, absolutely clueless as to what exactly we need to do to mend this precious relationship. We do not understand why despite being so devoted to our family, our relationships are taking a beating. Answers  to all your relationship-related questions lies in astrology.

With right astrological remedies, you can easily restore harmony in your relationships. It is our ignorance towards astrology that deprives us from deriving the benefits from astrological remedies. With vedic remedies, a bone of contention in a relationship can be rooted out once for all .  We all goes through rough patches in our lives and family issues should be viewed in the same light, astrology will help you tide over these difficult times with ease.

Only your actions not make a dent in your relationship, but also the malefic effects of plants are to be blamed, if they continue casting their negative rays on you, no matter how hard you try, your relationship will never be good. In the realm of spirituality, the real healing takes place. After sizing up your horoscope, it won’t be tough to understand what is it that ruins your relationship. An astrologer will then be in a position to answer all your queries related to your relationship. Get connected with our blessed astrologers to get all your relationships-related queries answered.

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Ask Health Astrologer


Good health is what we yearn for the most and it can be described as the reservoir of happiness. Without sound health, it’s not possible to press ahead with our plans ,consequently our chances to attain success dwindle. This is the reason why health is placed above wealth.

As health is such a precious asset, people tend to know their health in future. Medical science can help you fight an illness and surmount it and based on the condition of your health it may also predict a wide of range of illnesses you are vulnerable to. But it can not say a word as to what kind of illness you will be afflicted with in the future and in which month of the year. How long an illness will prolong? Will it respond to medications? How will you be healthwise, five years down the line? Unfortunately modern science is clueless about thousand such health-related questions that pop up in our mind. Astrology not only precisely answers all your health-related concerns but also suggests remedies to ward off such diseases in the future.

Planets exert good or bad effects on a person- this argument now seems palatable to researchers as well as scientists which was earlier considered blind superstition by them. Study reveals that mentally-ill patients shown significant improvement in their mood after they or somebody else on their behalf performed remedies suggested by some vedic astrologers.

There are various kinds of vedic treatment available to subdue the malefic effects of evil planets. At Apna Karma, we house apt astrologers who answer all your health-related queries and suggest remedies to do away with health-related problems in future as well.

Unfortunately, most of us are not well-attuned to the fact that through vedic remedies, we not only cure a disease but also curb its chances to appear in the future.


Ask Job Expert


Be it a government or private job, landing a right job has become a daunting task nowadays. Exorbitant rise in competition and fewer seats available for a position make it tough for a candidate to grab a job of his/her choice. Has this ever happened to you that when your name didn’t appear in the merit list of some competitive examination, you felt dejected and thought it would be really nice if somebody had told you long before you started the preparation that you will not be able to pass the examination ? If it had so happened, you would have saved your lot of precious time and energy – vedic astrology can help you in this regard.

Are you perplexed, whether to prepare for a government job or private job is suitable for you?  Are you sure, you would definitely get through the examination, you are preparing for? Whatever the questions do you have, vedic astrology can give you not only answers but also remedies to help you land your dream-job.

Based on your horoscope chart, it can be incisively predicted what career option is best suitable for you and what profession will earn you success. It has also been experienced by our astrologers that a candidate who has failed many times to pass an examination, after performing the suggested remedies easily cracked not one but many competitive examinations. It so happens that a native despite being highly meritorious and skilled surprisingly fails to pass an examination owing to malefic effects of planets on him. Once the planet is appeased, he/she gets through the examination soon.


Ask Lal Kitab Astrologer


Lal Kitab offers remedies to eliminate all the hunches that come to us as a consequence of our bad deeds or Karmas in the past. What we are is the result of what we did in the past. The same planet that  helps a person grow by leaps and bounds , turns inimical to us and its malefic effects soon start to appear in our life. The reason is our misdeeds of past but if we do something to appease the unfavorable planet , it stops casting its negative rays on us and again happiness is restored in our life.

Lal kitab suggests remedies either to eliminate or alleviate the malefic effects of planets – remedies are inexpensive and give instant results. On the flip side, if you perform the remedies incorrectly, it can backfire at you. Experts at Apna Karma, not only suggest you Lal Kitab remedies but also  give tips to perform them correctly. Lal kitab remedies are as easy as throwing something in water or performing some pooja at the home. Consultants at Apna Karma after scoping your horoscope suggest remedies that will astound you with its instant and incredible results.


Ask Love Astrologer


We understand that it really hurts when your love life takes a beating. A dedicated panel of experts at Apna Karma will help you get love back in your life. Before you could realize anything, love dwindled to dust in your life, isn’t it? Have misunderstanding, anger, animosity and hatred created rift in your love life? If answers to all these questions are yes, our counselors can help you get out of this frightening situation without you having to break your head further.

In fact, answers to all the problems lie in the spiritual realm, zeroing on this eternal fact we offer spiritual remedy to fix all your love-related problems in life. After a thorough analysis of your horoscope, we pinpoint the problems that are ailing your love-life and recommend remedies for the same.

A relationship always does not turn sour as an individual wriggles out of his/her responsibility to survive the relationship but planets are sometimes hell-bent to destroy your relationship unless they are not appeased. Experts at Apna Karma after canvassing your horoscope suggest suitable remedies to either wipe out or mitigate the deleterious effects of evil planets, consequently you not only get back the lost love in your life but also notice that all the factors that led to fight earlier is no longer present in your life.

Our apt love astrologers, based on your horoscope, may recommend various kind of Yagnas, Havans and Pujas to subdue the malefic effects of evil planets consequently love is restored in your life.