Generally speaking, there is absolutely no problem with coughing. A cough can help to keep your throat clear from phlegm and other irritants. However, continued coughing can be a sign of a number of conditions such as a bacterial infection, viral infection or an allergy.
Whatever be the cause, it can be successfully treated with a wide range of medicines that are available over-the-counter. But these medicines can just treat it and not prevent it to reoccur. However, by performing regular Hawan, recommended in the Ayurveda to cure cough, you not only cure your cough but also prevent it to reoccur in the future. We have listed below the ingredients (Hawan Samagri) used in the hawan.
Ashutosh Sanghwan –
This helped me a lot in normal Viral infection as well, Happy by the solution I got from you. This had shown effect in 2 hours
George Rosevalt –
Thanks for treatment i got from Apnakarma in treating my viral infection, Initially i was assuming that it was coronavirus and still dont know what was that but now after this treatment i am 100% fit as of now.
Ravi Sharma –
Helped me, Very good fragrance while was doing Hawan. i also felt with the taste of herb in mouth and throat. And this had shown its effect in after 15 mins after hawan…Very good way to treat viral infection and i believe it increase our immunity too…