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Ask Marriage Astrologer


When it  comes to marriage, we are max on with various kinds of questions like when will i get married ? Is it love or arranged marriage?. Similarly some people experience unusual delay in their marriage and easily get perplexed as well as disappointed as to when will they get perfect match for themselves.

You will find that INTERNET is bristling with advertisements that claim to fix all the issues that are preventing your marriage to happen or incisively answer all your queries related to your marriage.   .And  unfortunately most of us fall prey to their false claims as we do not understand the finer nuances of astrology.

An astrologer having profound knowledge of vedic astrology can only sort out all your queries related to your marriage and in fact even they do not wave a magic wand to answer your questions but on the basis of your horoscope they get to know the malefic effects of planets that are ruining your prospects of marriage or causing delay in your marriage.

Employing their noticeable astrology acumen, experts at Apna Karma can make accurate prediction like, when will you get married? Will it be a love or arranged marriage? Is there any obstacle in your marriage?. Upon carefully sizing up your horoscope, our experts suggest remedies to subdue the deleterious effects of evil planets which paves way for you fruitful marriage.

Leave all your worries on us and we will leave no stone unturned to make sure that you have a blissful married life.


Ask Wealth Astrologer


Everybody wants to become an affluent person and wealth holds an important place in our life. Even , in today’s materialistic world, success of an individual is measured in terms of how much wealth he/she has acquired which is why everybody wants to become financially stable and secure. Ask any astrologers and they will make a clean breast of it that questions related to wealth are the most frequently asked questions.

Make Fortune Smile on You Again

Your horoscope reveals everything including the wealth you are destined to accumulate. At Apna Karma, we have a dedicated panel of astrologers who answer all your wealth-related queries. What are the impediments on your ways to success? How can you make a killing in the business? Why exactly you are running out of luck and even less competent person in your profession are making more money than you? When will luck smile on you again?  All these questions that brown you off will be answered by our expert astrologers.

You will have all your queries answered related to finances, wealth and assets by veteran astrologers at Apna Karma. We count on providing workable solutions and have noticed that just after performing the suggested remedies for a short span of time, the native had been able to get the better of his financial problems.

Without you getting bogged down in tiresome rites and rituals, we suggest remedies that can actually be performed in this fast-paced world and show its results in the least possible time. Despite you are endowed with exceptional skills and creative acumen, all your plans are biting the dust and you bring  nothing home but empty coffers, resort to vedic astrology without wasting time and the see its incredible results in no time. Your customized wealth report will help you know why planets have turned inimical and casting their negative rays on you and once they are quelled with suggested remedies, you will find garnering wealth not that difficult.


Astrology Reading Over Phone (15 Minutes)


The reason why astrology reading over phone is catching on among people is that it saves their lot of time as they really do not have to visit an astrologer, just dial a number. Also you have a list of astrologers to choose from who can precisely answer all your questions even if they are provided with insufficient information. Their expertise lies in clubbing their skills with the ancient wisdom of astrology. An astrology reader is a person who put to use astrology and zodiac wheel to determine what fate has to offer you. This is not so that astrological readings work in a mysterious way, rather it is through the horoscope and the zodiac, astrologers foresee your future. To dispel all your doubts related to your future and to satisfy your innate desire to know and find out solutions for all your future problems, we house experienced astrology readers who ask you some basic questions about you and important people in your life. No worries, even if you don’t know your star sign or the exact time of birth for they can render quite detailed information with quite simple information. Additionally, an Astrology Reader never forgets to use their psychic intuition to give detail to your reading. Amalgamation of Psychic skills with the ancient wisdom of astrology can make for a very insightful and powerful reading.


Astrology Reading Over Phone (30 Minutes)


Astrology is one of the evolutionary divine tools for transformation, choice, and self-awareness. This tool is not a determinant.  We offer better astrology consultations to aids people in making free will options regarding their situations and life.

You have some power as well as born into the life with some potential.  You can learn what portions of your life will possibly be prejudiced based in the given time duration according to the house placements, signs, planets and aspects which will affect your life now as well as in the upcoming days.  You can arrange a hassle-free and comfortable consultation with us who helps you to get insight into the life situations and present path in your life.  We provide the astrology reading or assistance over the phone. The friendly and convenient phone conversation will continue for 30 minutes. It is extremely helpful services that help people to know about what options and potentials they have ahead of them and how they can take benefit of them.


Birth Time Rectification


Birth Time Rectification by best of Astrology experts in india is possible now. Owing to dearth of knowledge about astrology, people who do not accurately know about their exact birth time consider themselves unworthy of availing astrological benefits. However, Vedic Astrology provides the methods

to precisely pinpoint Birth Time Rectification of any individual. Astrologers at Apna Karma without saddling you with unnecessary questions, will let you know about your exact time of birth.

To draw a birth chart, it is essential to have precise birth-related information viz;

  • Date of birth
  • Time of birth
  • Place of birth

Without knowing these details, it is not possible to analyze and control a birth chart. The  most important thing among all three is birth time. However, as the medical science has progressed, chances that a person will not have his/her birth time are slim but unfortunately some of us do not have this pertinent information, birth time rectification service is meant for them only.

There are various rules and methods exist in Indian and Western astrology to find out the correct birth time, the best of these methods is K.P. (Krishnamurthy Paddhati). In KP birth time rectification method, ruling planet method is used to get your correct time of birth. We just ask for below-mentioned details which are must for birth time rectification.

1 Date of birth, Place of birth and the range of possible birth times.

2 List of your key life events. The more you provide, convenient it will be for astrologers to know your time of birth. For example Date of child birth etc., Date of marriage etc.

So if you have been considering yourself unlucky as you do not know your time of birth, no need to vex further, consult seasoned astrologers at Apna Karma and they will help you know your exact


Career / Job Report


Everybody yearn for a bright career and why it not be so as it is going to shape up your life. All this time, you have been chewing over the best career option for you, but are you sure that you have set your foot on the right path. While some people find themselves in a tight spot when it comes to choosing their career, others simply do not know ways to mop up the problems at their career front. Here Astrology plays a pivotal role and helps eliminate all your career related woes. With precise calculations, our Astrologers find out the most suitable career for you, show you the way to excel in the chosen career, helps you to strive at your career-front, and eventually succeed.

Your detailed career job report apprises you about all the possible hurdles on your way to success, this knowledge will help you arm yourself with necessary skills, expertise to get the better of all your career  related issues. Further, the vedic remedies that we suggest after canvasing your horoscope, will zero out the chance of any major career problem to occur.


Finance Report


If money is something that you want to have in your life, you need to have a look at the tricks that would lead you having loads of it. Have you been struggling all this time to earn? No need to freak out! We are here to pour oil on troubled waters. With the help of Vedic Astrology, our Astrologers will be your guiding light, and will help you to earn to your heart’s content. All your problems related to money and financial matters would be solved, and you would be able to know about the problems that might lie in your way in the future, and get solutions for them ahead of time. You will be provided with a detailed report, which will help you in moulding your future.


Gemstones & Remedies


Astrology not only pinpoints the problems that is ailing you but also suggests the efficacious as well as practical remedies to heal the troubles. If these remedial measures are sincerely followed as per astrological wisdom by a person, he/she can get the better of all the adverse consequences caused by heavenly bodies and get out of the tough times quite easily.

Gemstones are considered of paramount importance in astrology, as they are able to conjure up the immense amount of cosmic energy that, if directed properly, can do wonders in every dimension of life warding off detrimental effects of evil planets. However, it is important to note that if mishandled, cosmic energy can bring disaster in your life.

Astute astrologers at Apna Karma help you derive maximum benefit out of astrological remedies and gemstones and you advance by leaps and bounds in matters related to love, marriage, career, finance, education etc. Generally people are deprived of astrological benefits in absence of knowledge related to basics of astrology that includes :

  • What remedial measure you should take?
  • How to perform these remedies properly ?
  • What gemstone to put on ?
  • How to get most of it etc.

Government Job Report


Landing a government job has now become a coveted and cherished dream of everybody owing to top notch facilities it offer. Especially in India, every job seeker has a burning desire to get a Government Job. Owing to the repute that a government job commands, government job aspirants are surging every    year. Job seekers toil day and night and follow numerous ways to land a Government Job. But a handful of them finally get through and most of the candidates fail to secure a seat. After numerous unsuccessful attempts when candidates fail to grab a government job, they console themselves by saying that government job is not meant for them. But just imagine, will it not be great if someone tells you long before you embark on your preparation that government job is not suitable for you and it hardly matters how hard you try, you can not get through the examination. This way you will save your lot of time and energy and put it to use in fruitful pursuits.

As Astrology can predict everything, it can also precisely foretells your chances to crack a government job. Experts at Apna Karma upon carefully analyzing your horoscope can tell you if you should try your hands on government exam preparation or not. It’s prudent to try this service once to know what your destiny has got in bag.


Health & Fitness Report


Health Astrology helps to predict your health of mind, soul and body as Health is said to be real wealth and one of the most precious asset a person can have. In absence of sound health notching up colossal success in any field seems to be a distant dream but  either we have adopted or saddled with a lifestyle where it is pragmatically not possible to stay fit, consequently we are inflicted with lots of unavoidable diseases or disorders. However, oftentimes, we catch a disease whose real cause by health astrology is not even known to medical science and doctors despite putting their best efforts fail to cure us.

How we diagnose your disease by Health Astrology

In most of the cases, medical science attempts to subdue the symptoms of a disease and does not root out the disease itself, in fact real cure lies in spiritual realm. Now even many noted scientists across the globe are convinced that planets really exert their influence on us and we might get benefited or suffer on account of their benefic or malefic effects on us accordingly.

Your horoscope reveals each and every aspect of your life, also the disease you are suffering from and reasons behind it by health astrology. Why you are prone to a specific illness and what should be the exact remedy to get rid of it is clearly reflected in your horoscope. All you have to do is to approach a good astrologer and he/she will first generate your Horoscope and then suggest remedies to eliminate it.

At Apna Karma, a vedic astrologer after analyzing your horoscope, generates health and fitness report   detailing the the disease you are inflicted with and remedies to cure it. Based on the severity of the disease or disorder they can recommend various kinds of Yagas, Havans and Pujas. After performing the remedies, you will notice your health improving everyday and eventually you will get rid of it forever.

Our veteran astrologers have helped countless people to do away with even a terminal illness. Even though, you are fit and fine now but may be vulnerable to a disease that you are currently unaware of but can be inflicted with latter in life. In this case also, our experts can suggest you remedies that will pare down your chances to acquire any disease in future. .

Our endeavor is to make your life disease-free so that you can give your maximum contribution to the society. You must accede to the fact that on the name of providing treatment a good amount of money is being swindled from the patients, however in most of the cases both doctors as well patients know that actually the chance of the disease to be cured is slim, still owing to lack of awareness and knowledge with regard to best and efficacious way to get liberated from the clutch of any disease, people silently suffer.

At Apna Karma, we walk the talk and adopt coherent and organic approach to treat your disease with the help of vedic astrology. So even if you are suffering from an incurable disease, do not lose hope and seek help of our astrologer, one of our consultants will connect with you in no time.


Lal Kitab Remedies


Lal Kitab offers remedies to eliminate all the hunches that come to us as a consequence of our bad deeds or Karmas in the past. What we are is the result of what we did in the past. The same planet that  helps a person grow by leaps and bounds , turns inimical to us and its malefic effects soon start to appear in our life. The reason is our misdeeds of past but if we do something to appease the unfavorable planet , it stops casting its negative rays on us and again happiness is restored in our life.

Lal kitab suggests remedies either to eliminate or alleviate the malefic effects of planets – remedies are inexpensive and give instant results. On the flip side, if you perform the remedies incorrectly, it can backfire at you. Experts at Apna Karma, not only suggest you Lal Kitab remedies but also  give tips to perform them correctly. Lal kitab remedies are as easy as throwing something in water or performing some pooja at the home. Consultants at Apna Karma after scoping your horoscope suggest remedies that will astound you with its instant and incredible results.

Prerequisites Before Performing Lal Kitab Remedies

 There is no denying to the fact that Lal Kitab remedies give instant results and which is why more and more people are resorting to it. However, as it is mentioned, utmost care should be taken while performing the remedies as it might worsen the problem you are struggling with. We at Apna Karma house professional astrologers having years of experience in curing people with Lal Kitab remedies. You can set about performing remedies at any time but once you start, it has to then continue incessantly for forty-three days. Likewise Lal Kitab remedies must be performed during the day (in the presence of sun).

Know the remedies

At Apna Karma, veteran astrologers after sizing up your horoscope suggest remedies that do not include any rites or rituals. Lal Kitab remedies also do not embrace any tantras and mantras that are difficult to follow in today’s fast-paced world. These simple looking remedies can bring windfall gains in your life and undermining their importance is utter folly. We have seen countless people in hapless situation getting cured from the astonishing Lal Kitab Remedies. It is a boon especially in a kali Yuga when people have paucity of time. As opposed to the widely-held belief that you can not get rid of your problems without performing hectic and tiresome rites or ritual, Lal Kitab remedies offer instant relief without you having to involved in arduous processes.


Life Reading


Life is a pleasant journey for those who have decoded its mysteries for they know how to deal with the surprises it throws at us – good as well as bad. It consists of great moments, ups and downs and potholes that can easily bewilder and dishearten a person with low self-confidence and will power. But if you have got a good fix on its very nature,  you can not only avert to get into the hot water, but can also notch up unrivaled success with the sense of fulfillment.

Astrology in fact is a talisman that has been passed on to us by saints and seers, it serves as a key to unlock the enigmatic string of events called life. At Apna Karma, our astute and experienced astrologers do in-depth analysis of your horoscope, which will give you clear understanding of life coming ahead and practical remedies to do away with barriers that resist unbound happiness and success to flow through your endeavors and personality. Answers to all your life problems lie in the spiritual realm – vedic remedies can bring about radical and unheard changes in your life as it root out core of the problem.

Once you have your detailed life reading in your hand, you have ample courage to face down all the challenges of life and press ahead with your plans without any fear in mind. Even if, there is some untoward incident destined for you at any phase in your life, either our astrologers can help you conquer them or at least can mitigate the intensity of the problem. Moreover, prior knowledge of any good or bad event put you on alert and you leave no stone unturned to resolve the issue. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that with the help of astrology, you can make the most out of your life. Suppose you are an extravagant person and do not believe in saving for a rainy day but your horoscope hints at severe financial crises during certain month of the year then you will have to curb your tendency to spend money recklessly even if you do not want.

At Apna Karma, veteran astrologers after canvassing your horoscope, not only tell you when you will have substantial gain in terms of name, fame, fortune wealth etc. but also apparently mention and suggest remedies when you will go through rough patch in life.


Life Reading (5 years)


When evil planets cast their evil rays on a person , he/she has to visit upon the consequences . If you had said this to a person some 10 to 15 years back , he/she would have considered you simpleton but now many researchers across the globe are convinced that somehow planets exert their evil effects not only on human lives but also on animals and plants.

However, astrologers know it for years the pivotal role planets play in our lives. Not even that, on the the basis of your horoscope, your future too can be predicted, necessary rectification can be done and imminent losses can either be averted or can be brought down. If you don’t want us to predict your  life time but are willing to know what future has in store for you in next 5 years, Life Readers at Apna Karma can help you look into the future.

On the basis of planetary positions in your horoscope, how the future is going to unfold for you in next   5 years can be foretold . Getting the future unmasked means that you can plan ahead many things in       your favor which otherwise would have adversely affected you. Performing the remedies suggested by experts like Havan, Yaga and Puja quell the malefic effects of planets that had turned inimical to you and soon your good time starts.


Love Report


Love is a heavenly harmony of perfect partners and is an indispensable choice one makes throughout everyday life. The mystery of an upbeat love is finding the ideal individual. There’s somebody for everybody, except in what manner will you know when you meet them? Particularly, in the present advanced world, finding your ideal match has moved toward becoming a significant testing assignment. Astrology says that there are a few elements affecting your love life and similarity between the couple.

Your horoscope can uncover things about you that can enable you to discover love and achievement in your own connections. The planetary positions in a single’s introduction to the world graph choose the season of love and how life unfurls after love. Give our master astrologers a chance to utilize astrology to expand your potential in your love life. Our astrologers don’t simply stop with the assessment of your introduction to the world diagram for pertinent relationship data.


Mangal Dosha Analysis & Remedies


The Mangal Dosh is not as pernicious as it is thought to be for all its malefic effects can either be mitigated or zeroed out if a vedic astrologer is consulted and the remedies suggested by them are performed correctly. In fact, it is a common occurrence and affects both male and female. This red fiery planet is also known as Kuja in Sanskrit and there is no denying to the fact that it has astrological drawback but all its malefic effects can be stamped out with astrological remedies. Astrologically, a person is said to be under the influence of Mars, if Mars sits in  1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house in the horoscope or natal chart. People inflicted with Mangal Dosh is also called Manglik. Another names for Mangal Dosh are Angarakha Dosh, Kuja Dosh and  Bhom Dosha.


Marriage Report


The idea of getting married fascinates all of us alike and since our childhood we all have been dreaming of our marriage , at the same time, a question also crops up in our mind that would we able to get the married life we have always longed for. Every bachelor turns into a shrinking violet, when you ask them questions about their marriage but all sorts of questions related to their marriage keep buzzing around their mind for most of the times.

You must also be curious to know when will you get married and how your married life be like? Our dedicated team of astrologers will create a marriage report for you detailing the events that you will face on the journey of your married life. They are here to wipe out any problem you encounter with regards to your marriage. You will also be provided remedies for various problems like Bhakoot Dosha, Mangal Dosha, Nadi Dosha etc., that can imperil your married life, thus enabling you to tackle the problems in the most efficient manner. A Marriage report is like a blueprint for your married life and all it require is an assistance of an apt astrologer who could generate precise report as well as suggest remedies to shut the door on all your problems


Monthly Success Key


Monthly horoscope – like yearly report, people are also curious to know how actually the upcoming month is going to treat them which is possible with monthly horoscope. What favorable and unfavorable events are likely to take place this month? We at Apna Karma give you perfect answer to all your queries related to:

  1. Finance – Like, How can earn more in present Job It-self? How to become successful businessman? How to improve my financial condition of home? How can I control my ovear expanses? How to get-rid of Loans?
  2. Profession – Like, How can I get promotion in present job? How can I get a good Job? What is the right time to start business? How to become a successful professional in your desired profession?
  3. Personal – Like, How to remove family disputes? How to control husband and wife fights? How to recover from negative energy? How to conquer family enemy? How to become a happy family by removing all negativity from individuals and family? How to get a child?
  4. Health – Like, How to improve continues deteriorating health of children? How to maintain good health of mind, body and Sole? How can i predict my bad health before time to take preventive measures?
  5. Other traits of life – Like, How to get my boy friend or girlfriend back? How to become pilot of balanced life? How to control anger? and many more questions can come to your mind…………. Just ask them!

The detailed monthly horoscope report will throw light on the areas where you are going to excel and setbacks that the month has in store for you. Would not it be great to plan your entire month before it actually commences? Our monthly report will not only detail about the factors/things that might trouble you this month but also suggest remedies to keep all the impediments out of your way. It centers upon the things you should be wary of the whole month and suggest ways to better your life in that particular month. Having prior knowledge of events that are likely to occur next month will get you ample opportunity to deploy not only remedial measures but also suggest where you have to speed up and where to take a step back.

In essence, our monthly horoscope report helps you make the most out of the month by decoding the events that are likely to occur next month. It also zero out your chances to make any wrong financial decision.


Name Correction


Would Mahatma Gandhi not be assassinated if he was not a Gandhi ? Would Shah Rukh Khan still be ruling the Bollywood, if his name was different? Name just might the the medium to address for some might be part of self-identity for others. Our names are the foundations on which our personality is built. From family tributes to creative spellings, our names speak a lot about us and they help us become who we are and sometimes act as a catalyst to rev up our growth and sometimes as a hindrance, so find out which side the pendulum swings for you! For instance, have you ever encountered a situation when you did extremely good in the interview or exam but did not get the job or marks , while you other friend with average efforts performed better than you ! This is called fate. But do not lose heart as there are ways to augment them and get greater results with lesser efforts. Names really influence our lives and we can find scores of instances in the history wherein people with grand talents have been ruined to dust due to their unlucky names.

Be it business tycoons, stalwarts, politician or sports-person, many of them who were bearing the burnt of fate, after making little corrections in their name, achieved success in no time. In ancient India, people have been seeking help of astrologers to determine astrologically correct name for their new newborns. Also all religions have laid importance on utterance of God’s name to wipe out sins and augment our good luck.

At Apna Karma, our experts will do a numerological analysis of your destiny number, birth date and your name and suggest you necessary alterations, if any. Many of our clients , after seeking the advice of our astrologers, reached the pinnacle of success in very less time.


Obesity Report


Do you get fagged out too easily? Do you feel shy attending parties or public gathering as you are overweight? Does you obesity takes a tall on your health? Have you despite taking lot of medical treatments fail to lose weight? If answers to all these questions are yes, apt astrologers at Apna Karma can help you get rid of this hapless situation with astrological remedies. An overweight person faces lot of social issues as well, for instance their profiles are avoided while searching for matrimonial alliance.

Astrologically, individuals born in watery signs i.e. Scorpio, cancer and Pisces tend to blimp out. Obese individuals have afflicted 9th house or its lord. Planets exert their influence and make a person obese. People who are born on 3rd , 4th  and 6th  of a month are likely to gain weight. On the contrary, individuals who are dominated by mars and sun have a fast metabolism and they do not put on weight whatever they eat.

Venus and Jupiter make a person addicted to sweets and rich food. Likewise, mars inflicted person is fond of spicy and hot food. Lifestyle changes are essential and person should not drink less than 4 to 5 litres of water a day- it flushes toxins out of the system. If spiritual remedies are clubbed with lifestyle changes, a person starts loosing weight.

There is no denying to the fact that gradually people are abandoning healthy lifestyle which is making them overweight. But still we see that some people gain weight too fast eating too less while others remain lean and thin even after consuming too much food. Medical science holds slow metabolic rate of a person responsible for his/her obesity. All the same, in many cases doctors fail to understand the underlying cause of obesity.

Like scores of other diseases, obesity too can be cured with the help of spiritual remedies. All you require is a good astrologer and an unflagging determination to perform the remedies suggested by them. After through examination of your horoscope they might suggest yagas, havans, pujas and even mantras and you can start seeing good results in no time.

Like scores of other diseases, obesity too can be cured with the help of spiritual remedies. All you require is a good astrologer and an unflagging determination to perform the remedies suggested by them. After through examination of your horoscope they might suggest yagas, havans, pujas and even mantras and you can start seeing good results in no time.


One Year Analysis – Annual Horoscope


Your Annual Horoscope throws a light on the challenges that you are going to face throughout the year, it also depicts the milestones you are going to achieve. Would not it be great if you know in advance what luck has in store for you in the upcoming year. Prior knowledge about the things/situations that are not going to pan out in your favor or areas where you are going to notch up colossal successes will help you map out your future course of actions. Then nothing will come to you as a surprise as you are already prepared to face down the situations.

How We Can Help You

Apna Karma offers Annual Horoscope service that will give you chance to weigh up your upcoming year and suggest remedies to surmount all the barriers to make most out of the year. Having the glimpse of your future is always a gratifying experience for you then stop getting alarmed at the drop of hat as you know that you were going to face that problem. Even if the problem that you are going to face is inevitable then also its adverse effects can certainly be mitigated by performing the suggested remedies by our veteran astrologers. So let the fear of facing future adversities not perturb you.

An individual who is not an astrology enthusiast will always look at the astrological predictions with the eye of suspicion but  now veteran scientists across the globe accede to the fact that planets exert their influence on human life but they are clueless when it comes to providing solution as the answer lies in spiritual realm. Through vedic remedies, it is possible to zap or at least lessen the intensity of the problems you are facing.

After analyzing your business, we can tell you with certainty, whether you are going to make a killing this year or it would be a fatally wrong decision to start a new venture. Are you going to get promotion in the job or you should cast aside the idea of changing the job. If you are a student, we will give you a detailed report about the impediments to your academic success. What are the diseases you are prone to this year and remedies to ward them off will be comprehensively discussed in your annual horoscope.