Vehicles Vahan Puja
While purchasing a New Vehicle, on the Ayutha puja day, when you observe any negative symptoms, we can perform this Vahana Puja or New Car Pooja on each Friday.
While selecting days for the Vahana Puja, we have to avoid the following:
- EmaghaNta timings on the day
- Saturday and Tuesday
- Rahu Kala
- Astami and Navami Titis
What are the benefits of doing Vahana Puja (New Car Pooja)?
It removes :
1 Negative dreams or illusionary thoughts occurring to the diver.
2 Evil forces -Dead persons souls attack( Bhuta, Preda, Pisacha doshas)
3 The negative effects caused owing to Eyes Drishti (gaze) by the other people
4 Negativity attached with the places (sthala doshas)
The Vahana Puja(New Car Pooja) removes all the doshas mentioned-above and arms the driver and the passengers with a protecting shield. It has been noticed that both driver and vehicle remain safe after the Vahan Puja, frequent instances of vehicle break-out and chances of accidents are curbed.
पूजन सामग्री
Lemon (नींबू) – 4, Flower mala (फूल माला) – 1, Coconut (pani wala) नारियल (पानी वाला) – 1, Prasaada (प्रसाद) – 1Kg
घर की सामग्री
Flower ( फूल) – 250g, Flower mala (फूल माला) – 2, Milk (दूध) – 100g, Curd (दही) – 100g, Sweet (मिठाई) – 500g, Fruit (फल) – 15, Plate (थाली) – 2, Spoon (चम्मच) – 2, Bowl (कटोरी) – 2, , Tulsi leaf (तुलसी की पत्ती), Blanket (कंबल) – 2, sand (रेत), Beachhead (चौकी) – 1, hawan kund (हवन कु्ंड).
Without Puja Material (पूजा सामग्री के बिना)
Total number of hours – 1 hours
Number of days – 1 Days
1 hours per day
Number of pandit – 1
Rs. 1000
With Puja Material (पूजा सामग्री के साथ)
Total number of hours – 1 hours
Number of days – 1 Days
1 hours per day
Number of pandit – 1
Puja Items (पूजा का सामान)
Rs. 1200
Customize Puja
This is to provide flexibility in arrangement of performing this puja, and the cost of Puja/Events/Pujan samagri/Instruments/Musicians/Singers/ can be selected/finalized as per your budget and we will plan all arrangements accordingly.
We will decide upon below as per your desire, spiritual level and your availability out of daily busy life.
Total number of hours per day
Total number of days
Total number of pandit
Pujan samagri/Items as per your choice
Knowledge and explanation of every puja activity and mantras
Fill below form to submit your interest