Customize yantra as per specific problem
What is Yantra
Everyone yearns for success and wellbeing. Our ideas pertaining to success may vary and we may also follow different routes to wellbeing, but the underlying desire is same. This was recognized in ancient Indian culture, and so, mystics and yogis down the ages brought into existence many devices to assist human beings in their quest for immediate and ultimate wellbeing. Yantras are devices of this kind, which acts as support systems to fulfill a specific purpose.
A yantra literally means a machine. A machine is a combination of very purposeful forms. For instance, we humans have created a computer, but still, if we are asked to multiply 1544 with 16789, we reach a calculator – a yantra. It is not that, we can not calculate that in our mind, but this purposeful form of yantra allows us to use our body in a much better way.
Though, we are blessed with the most sophisticated yantra, our body itself, still it is possible to perform various kinds of activities better with specific machines.
Benefits of Yantra
Yantras are tools to enrich our life in different dimensions. They are made for specific purposes and different kinds of yantras reverberate in different ways. Considering the kind of energy that is to be brought forth, we can put to use that kind of yantra. You will be startled to know that simple looking triangle is the most basic yantra. An upward facing and downward facing triangle are also yantras. You can combine them in different ways and make several kinds of yantras.
For instance, the Bhairavi Yantra is meant for the enhancement of one’s wellbeing. Bhairavi Yantra help you do whatever you do in better way. It is a puissant, personalized tool that creates an ambiance of positivity so that your wellbeing is naturally taken care of. It is for those who are actively involved in careers, businesses, and family life, and want to do exceedingly well in their chosen field of work without facing much hurdles.
One of the primary things that bar a human being to achieve his full potential is friction. Friction need not necessarily mean that you have to fight with someone. But if you are exorbitantly active, it builds around you. If friction increases, you tend to stay away from activity or you fear you will land into one big mess. It does not matter how endearing a particular goal is for you, if friction happens every day when you step out and try to accomplish something, you will slowly start to lose interest to achieve that specific goal. It won’t be unwise to think that most of us have ourselves curtailed the possibility of what we could do in our lives ,simply as we cannot deal with the friction we naturally generate when we get into brisk activity. It is not a very wise way to deal with it as instead of bringing lubrication, you are keeping the engine off.
Bhairavi Yantra is for those who wants to lubricate their actions. Friction is inevitable, especially when we kick off something very important, but benevolent Devi grace’s will take care of that.